I especially like the little guy in the top left standing on top of the feeder. I feel like it's a duck maneuver that can basically be understood as "I came for the starter feed, but I stayed to party."
This lady was very excited for her close-up:

The ducks arrived via USPS from Iowa, and the Bertonis had picked up the peeping package by 8am. The ducks are a mix of Blue Runners, Fawn and White Runners, Khaki Campbells, and White Pekins.
The female Runners and Campbells should start laying eggs in about 5 months - just in time for their egg production to slow down with the shortening length of days, and then once Spring 2011 comes around hopefully they will become Mama ducks and get excited about tending to their nests.
The White Pekins are being raised for meat, and are already a little bigger than the other breeds.
In less fuzzy, but equally exciting news, I had some Martha's Vineyard visitors on the farm yesterday! My lovely friends Meredith and Emily came with their friends Kelly and Dawn, and it was so great to see them. Meredith is starting up Singing Frog Farm in Leesburg, VA specializing in fresh cut flowers and heirloom vegetables -- super excited for her, and to get up there and see it for myself.
I forgot my camera, but we drove by this pretty vista before going to get dinner, and I was lucky enough to drive by it again today with camera but without their lovely faces:::

Other happenings on the farm have included::: seeding carrots and parsnips; mice digging up the recently seeded sunflowers and having a feast; mice being strongly discouraged from continuing previously stated activities; replanting the perennial garden with lupine, sage, seeds from Kathryn's brother's wedding, and guerrilla style seed planting/ tossing of coriander and dill; Lochsa the dog killing a rat and snake; planting the potatoes; seeding beets; transplanting some dill; seeding fennel; spotting black eyed susans; making really long lists; continuing to make really long lists; ok fine I'll stop, but I do love me a good list.
And I will end with a picture of beet seeds, because in their funkiness they add to my rock and roll beet dreams:::

Photo by Angelina Williamson.
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