So I sincerely miss being able to spend February 16th with the Bermudian-Wonder Ashley Elizabeth Miller. To make up for the thousands of miles, and tootoo many time zones -- I've opted to throw a-money an e-party this year, and you're all cordially invited to Ashley's straight-outta-Asia birthday extravaganza. So glad you could all make it!
The party is happening here:

Because really... if you're having an imaginary b-day party -- it might as well be at a freaking castle. And there should also probs be a lot of balloons.
Once we get settled we can all head out back to catch up on what's been going on in our lives:

aaaaand we should probably have some drinks while doing this:

Alright, now that we're all a bit jolly, I think it's time for some cake:

Yum. That was delicious.
hmmm... after some serious thought -- I've decided that this party should be a weekend event --- so once the evening festivities have devolved into what they will...

... we can wake up to -
WHAT'S THIS?? - a freshly delivered breakfast from the Flying Biscuit:

That apple butter just doesn't stop being delightful.
Hold up.. those clever Southerners even thought ahead and brought the morning's paper for Will:

.. and yes. That is actually Will.
Once everyone is ready to take on the day we can head to the beach in a little fleet of these guys --

-- because I think it's the only car I've ever seen with wicker seats.
And since it is the island-gal's day, go for a sail if we're so inclined:

From the looks of this pic we might have to go to the Mediterranean? But apparently there's wine on the boat for us - so that's nice.
Oh! And hopefully at some point in time we will have been able to incorporate these sweet pinatas into the festivities:

whew! What. A. Bash. One for the books! Not sure how this one is going to be topped...
Happy birthday Ashley!!

And lots of love to everyone,