Well la-la-la, and bring on the sunshine! So ready for it. I thought it might be fun to document my house's backyard garden, so here we go:::

We have 4 raised beds, and yesterday I was messing about in two of them. I direct-seeded some spinach, chioggia beets (ahem, the pretty ones with the swirly centers), arugula, two varieties of kale, arugula, and some lettuce. What variety of lettuce?

Drunken woman. Picked because of the name? No doubt.
And on a related note, I also got a little resourceful with row markers ::

It was a
Dogfish Head Indian Brown Ale in case you were wondering. And it was delicious.
And finally, the addition to the garden I'm MOST excited about :::::

Our new compost bins! Installed by our team of housemates this past weekend. We're going to use the rapid composting method developed by Robert D. Raabe of UC Berkeley. Details
here. I'll write more about how it goes, as it all (literally) breaks down.
Anyway, I know our garden isn't the biggest or baddest in town, but it definitely feels good to get it going. Sending everyone spring radish wishes and cherry tomato dreams!